Rekey Trenton, NJ – Father Son Locksmith Shop
Advantages of rekeying your locks:
Restrict unwanted entries by former tenants or previous home owners- Outdated locks can be rekeyed with advanced pins to enhance security
- Avoid the possibility of another key opening your locks
- Minimizes security treats
- Can save money
- Avoids complete lock replacement
Should you replace or rekey locks?
When you move to a new home and are worried if the former owner could have given the duplicate keys to anyone else, then you can just rekey the lock with the help of a famed locksmith service provider such as Father Son Locksmith Shop. There has always been a dilemma between rekeying and replacing locks. It is purely dependent on the type of lock, the reason for lock change and the price that you can afford. A complete lock replacement will cost you a little higher than rekeying, but when your locks are too old or worn-out; there is no other way around it.